Dec 17, · Short Essay on Christmas Celebrations in School ( words) Introduction The festival of Christmas that falls every year on the 25th of December is Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Send Your Christmas Essays. What Christmas Means to me - By Rhonda. Christmas to me is a celebration, which includes spending time with my family, decorating the entire house, inside and out, and shopping, for the people I love. Doing this with the people I love is what means the most to me Aug 30, · The above essay concludes that Christmas must be celebrated by every human being to enjoy life at its full. The essay also shows us that globalization is giving rise to the cross-cultural values their celebration and therefore increasing the level of harmony among the people of different religions
Sample Essay on Christmas Traditions - Free Descriptive Example
The arrival of the month of December reminds us of two great occasions. The first occasion is Christmas which is followed by the celebration of New Year. Christmas celebration at the end of the year gives a good farewell to the passing year. An essay on christmas celebration is a great occasion in the ending month of the year for which we are eagerly awaiting every year.
I have provided an essay that might be helpful and enhance the ideas and knowledge of students on the topic of Christmas celebrations in school, an essay on christmas celebration. The festival of Christmas that falls every year on the 25th of December is regarded as the biggest festival of Christians, an essay on christmas celebration.
It marks the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ the founder of Christianity. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy in the whole world. The festival is not only celebrated by Christians an essay on christmas celebration also by the people of all religions.
The festival an essay on christmas celebration Christmas is most awaited by children. They love celebrating the festival of Christmas because they eagerly wait for the gifts given by the Santa Clause. The festival of Christmas doubles the happiness of the winter season in India, an essay on christmas celebration. The preparations for the Christmas celebration are started a week before the arrival of Christmas.
People happily decorate the Christmas tree. The decoration of the Christmas tree is an important part of the celebration of Christmas. The children are most excited for this festivity as Christmas is celebrated in every school before it closes for the winter vacations. In most schools, Christmas and New Year are celebrated together before the winter vacations.
The programs related to the birth of Jesus Christ are prepared and presented by the students and teachers. The Christmas cake is cut by the principal and is distributed among all the school staff and children. The Santa Clause gives blessing to children and distributes the gifts among them. The cake and gifts are also distributed to poor children by the school staff on this day.
Christmas celebration makes the end of the year a beautiful one. It spreads love and harmony among people of different religions. The ending of the Christmas celebration marks the beginning of the New Year celebration. Every year 25th of December is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus Christ.
It is the biggest festival of Christians but celebrated by the people of every religion all around the world. The children are most excited and waiting for this festival. Christmas is the biggest festival of Christians and is celebrated by people all over the world.
The festival is celebrated with great happiness and joy. The number of people belonging to Christianity in India is limited in number and is dispersed. Despite this factor, the festival is celebrated with great pomp and show as people of all religions celebrate this occasion. The preparation for this festival starts one month before. People buy dresses, different items of decoration, and gifts for each other. It is very exciting to do shopping for making this an essay on christmas celebration a happening one.
The houses and churches are cleaned and whitewashed and decorated before the arrival of the festival. The Christmas tree is decorated fully with stars, balloons, and lights. The Christmas tree symbolizes new life and a new spirit. The festival is celebrated by singing carols, hymns, prayers, an essay on christmas celebration, the lighting of bonfire and dancing around it, parties and exchanging of gifts and wishes.
People after offering their prayers arrange midnight parties at their homes and enjoy different kinds of food and drinks. The celebration of Christmas and New Year is organized in all the schools. Christmas is celebrated in my school with great enthusiasm and zeal. The kids are most excited about the celebration of the fest, an essay on christmas celebration. There is a church inside our school premises as our school is a mission school.
The church is cleaned and decorated with garlands, lights, ribbons, and balloons. The Christmas tree is decorated with stars, balloons, and lights by the students. The stage is decorated by workers and they are assisted by the senior students. The beginning of the program is initiated by a welcome song. Many programs and plays depicting the birth and rejoicing after the birth of Jesus Christ are performed by students. Christmas carols are sung by the choir group.
The principal delivers a speech dedicated to the festival of Christmas and gives his warm wishes to every one of us. At last one of our teachers dressed in an essay on christmas celebration costume of Santa clause i. red attire an essay on christmas celebration great white beard and mustaches roams on a bike and throws gifts among students, an essay on christmas celebration, especially kids.
Every student receives a Christmas cake in their respective classes from their teachers. The Christmas and New Year celebrations are done on the same day as school closes for winter vacation. The ending day of the year and before the beginning of the school holidays is cherished by a beautiful celebration. The teachers along with the co-ordination of some students organize a program on the same day after school hours for the poor students residing nearby the school premises.
Every child is provided with a set of new dresses. The arrangement for their dresses is done previously by our school administration. Different small programs are presented by teachers and students for their enjoyment. They also participate in the program. Further, the gifts are distributed among them along with Christmas cakes.
This is the charity work which is done by our school. They also come to school for taking free classes and learning. The smile on their faces gives the real satisfaction of celebrating the festival.
We celebrate Christmas every year at our home with our friends residing in the colony. We decorate the Christmas tree and keep it in our veranda. The Christmas tree appears beautiful after decorating it. A Christmas cake is baked by our mother. After decorating we celebrate by dancing to the music, clicking pictures, etc. Many times we visit the holy church which appears like a paradise on this day.
Since our childhood, we used to hang socks. It is believed that the Santa clause will keep the gifts inside the shocks when we hang them during the night in the outer premises of the house. My father keeps chocolates inside the socks to make us happy. People of the Christian religion start preparing for the celebration of the festival days before.
They buy gifts for every member of the family and close ones. They give gifts after offering a prayer to God. The name of the person giving the gift is not mentioned. The person receiving an essay on christmas celebration same had to guess the name of the person who had given the gift.
The cards with the written wishes of merry-making are also exchanged by the people greeting Merry Christmas, an essay on christmas celebration. Christmas an essay on christmas celebration the festival that teaches us to live with harmony and love. It also teaches sharing and helping the poor and needy. There is a lot of satisfaction in sharing our things with others. This festival is celebrated by people of every religion. It is celebrated in the whole world with great excitement and joy.
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells, Jingles all the way is the favorite song of kids and reminds them of the coming of Santa uncle. The festival Christmas signifies how to make others happy and live for others. Christmas is not celebrated in North Korea and there is no freedom to practice the religion of our choice. The Christmas tree symbolizes a new life or new spirit. The star on the top of the Christmas tree represents Faith. Saint Nicholas, the bishop Myra situated in Anatolia around AD, is regarded as the first Santa and he distributed gifts to poor and needy children.
Diwakar Sharma has been an essay on christmas celebration blogger for many years. As he knows well that readers behold the beauty of perception, so he writes to deliver the knowledge in an interesting, informative, and creative manner. He loves traveling and spending time with nature to enhance his creativity and consciousness.
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A Christmas Festival By Leroy Anderson
, time: 7:13Essay on Christmas Celebration in School for Students
Sep 20, · Christmas is the most celebrated festival of the year. It is a time for family, friends and happiness. This holiday season has come to an end, but you can still enjoy it by reading this essay on Christmas celebration for students in easy words. Christmas is a + Words Essay on Christmas Essay. Christmas is a well-known Christian holiday set in December, celebrated the world over and famed for its decorations and Santa Clause. The Christmas means “Feast day of Christ”.It is a yearly celebration marking Jesus Christ’s birth; it is observed on the 25th of December as a cultural and religious celebration among a lot of people all over the blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Mar 14, · This is an excerpt from the paper For most Americans, the most important holiday of the year is Christmas. Although Christmas is a holiday celebrated in many nations, there's no denying that America makes a bigger celebration and holiday out of Christmas than any other nation in the world
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