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When it comes to writing essays in college, we all need a place to start. Think of the five-paragraph essay as just that. Some students may find this to be a simple process, while others may spend a greater amount of time understanding this basic building block of college writing. Whatever the case, use the following guidelines to strengthen your knowledge of this preliminary essay format.
Five-paragraph essays are incredibly useful in two situations — when writers are just starting out and when a writing assignment is timed, college admissions essay about weather. The five-paragraph essay has three basic parts: introductionbodyand conclusion. The introduction is the first paragraph of the essay, and it serves several purposes. This paragraph gets your reader's attention, develops the basic ideas of what you will cover, and provides the thesis statement for the essay.
The thesis statement is usually only one sentence and is made up of the topic, focus, and three main points of the essay, college admissions essay about weather. Each body paragraph should start with a transition — either a word or phrase, like Firstor Another important point is.
Then, the first sentence should continue with your topic sentence. The topic sentence tells your reader what the paragraph is about, like a smaller-level thesis statement.
The rest of the paragraph will be made of supporting sentences. These sentences, at least four of them, will explain your topic sentence to your reader. Be sure that each sentence in the paragraph directly addresses both your topic sentence and your thesis statement. If you have a point to make that is not directly connected to the topic sentence, college admissions essay about weather, it does not belong in the paragraph.
You might write a different paragraph on that other point, but you may not stick it into any old paragraph just because you thought of it at that point. You can't stick a red towel into a load of white laundry without causing damage to the rest of the clothes, and you can't stick a point that' off-topic into a paragraph without doing damage to the rest of the essay.
Keep your laundry and your paragraph points separate! The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. This paragraph brings the essay to a close, reminds the reader college admissions essay about weather the basic ideas from the essay, and restates the thesis statement. The conclusion should not contain new ideas, as college admissions essay about weather is the summation of the content of the essay. The restatement of the thesis is a simpler form that the one originally presented in the introduction.
An outline is often used to demonstrate the content of most five-paragraph essays:. Before we finish, college admissions essay about weather, it is important to remember that the format of the five-paragraph essay is the foundation of nearly every other essay you'll write. When you get ready to write longer papers, remember that the job of the introduction and conclusion are just the same as they are in the five-paragraph essay.
Also, when you write longer papers, change your idea of support from three body paragraphs to three or two or four body sections, with as many paragraphs as necessary in each section just as you had as many sentences you needed in each body paragraph. Below is an example of a 5-paragraph essay. Notice how the essay follows the outline. Each year, thousands of people throughout the United States choose to spend their vacations camping in the great outdoors.
Depending on an individual's sense of adventure, there are various types of camping to choose from, including log cabin camping, recreational vehicle camping, and tent camping.
Of these, tent camping involves "roughing it" the most, and with proper planning the experience can be gratifying. Even with the best planning, however, tent camping can be an extremely frustrating experience due to uncontrolled factors such as bad weather, wildlife encounters, and equipment failures. Nothing can dampen the excited anticipation of camping more than a dark, rainy day. Even the most adventurous campers can lose some of their enthusiasm on the drive to the campsite if the skies are dreary and damp.
After reaching their destination, campers must then "set up camp" in the downpour. This includes keeping the inside of the tent dry and free from mud, getting the sleeping bags situated dryly, and protecting food from the downpour. If the sleeping bags happen to get wet, the cold also becomes a major factor.
A sleeping bag usually provides warmth on a camping trip; a wet sleeping bag provides none. Combining wind with rain can cause frigid temperatures, causing any outside activities to be delayed, college admissions essay about weather.
Even inside the tent problems may arise due to heavy winds. More than a few campers have had their tents blown down because of the wind, which once again begins the frustrating task of "setting up camp" in the downpour.
It is wise to check the weather forecast before embarking on camping trips; however, mother nature is often unpredictable and there is no guarantee bad weather will be eluded. Another problem likely to be faced during a camping trip is run-ins with wildlife, which can range from mildly annoying to dangerous.
Minor inconveniences include mosquitoes and ants. The swarming of mosquitoes can literally drive annoyed campers indoors. If an effective repellant is not used, the camper can spend an interminable night scratching, which will only worsen the itch.
Ants do not usually attack campers, but keeping them out of the food can be quite an inconvenience. Extreme care must be taken not to leave food out before or after meals. If food is stored inside the tent, the tent must never be left open.
In addition to swarming the food, ants inside a tent can crawl into sleeping bags and clothing. Although these insects cause minor discomfort, some wildlife encounters are potentially dangerous. There are many poisonous snakes in the United States, such as the water moccasin and the diamond-back rattlesnake. When hiking in the woods, the camper must be careful where he steps. Also, the tent must college admissions essay about weather be left open.
Snakes, college admissions essay about weather, searching for either shade from the sun or shelter from the rain, can enter a tent. An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprised snake can prove to be fatal. Run-ins can college admissions essay about weather from unpleasant to dangerous, but the camper must realize college admissions essay about weather they are sometimes inevitable. Perhaps the least serious camping troubles are equipment failures; these troubles often plague families camping for the first college admissions essay about weather. They arrive at the campsite at night and haphazardly set up their nine-person tent.
They then settle down for a peaceful night's rest. Sometime during the night the family is awakened by a huge crash. The tent has fallen down. Sleepily, they awake and proceed to set up the tent in the rain.
In the morning, everyone emerges from the tent, except for two, college admissions essay about weather. Their sleeping bag zippers have gotten caught. Finally, after fifteen minutes of struggling, college admissions essay about weather, they free themselves, only to realize college admissions essay about weather problem.
Each family member's sleeping bag has been touching the sides of the tent. A tent is only waterproof if the sides are not touched.
The sleeping bags and clothing are all drenched. Totally disillusioned with the "vacation," the frustrated family packs up immediately and drives home. Equipment failures may not seem very serious, but after campers encounter bad weather and annoying pests or wild animals, these failures can end any remaining hope for a peaceful vacation. These three types of camping troubles can strike campers almost anywhere. Until some brilliant scientist invents a weather machine to control bad weather or a kind of wildlife repellant, unlucky campers will continue to shake their fists in frustration.
More than likely, equipment will continue to malfunction. Even so, college admissions essay about weather, camping continues to be a favorite pastime of people all across the United States. If you want camping to be a happy experience for you, learn to laugh at leaky tents, bad weather, and bugs, or you will find yourself frustrated and unhappy. Print this handout by clicking here for download. Skip Navigation. Apply Get Answers Give. Search Search. Five-Paragraph Essay.
An outline is often used to demonstrate the content of most five-paragraph essays: Introduction Body First Point Second Point Third Point Conclusion Before we finish, it is important to remember that the format of the five-paragraph essay is the foundation of nearly every other essay you'll write.
Outline of this essay: Introduction about camping, with three main points and thesis statement Body bad weather wildlife equipment failures Conclusion reviewing three main points and thesis statement Enjoying Your Camping Trip Each year, thousands of people throughout the United States choose to spend their vacations camping in the great outdoors.
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