Aspects and Impacts of Generational Diversity This paper examines several aspects of generational diversity and its impact on law enforcement organizations. As the law enforcement profession prepares to move into the future it must also make ready for a Diversity In Law Enforcement Essay. Words4 Pages. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, departments that serve less than 2, people are % white and departments that serve millions are % white (as cited in Fifield, ). Notably, Over the years, a lack of diversity within law enforcement has become a pertinent issue May 17, · Shusta and Levine () offered some methods that can improve law enforcement in multicultural communities: (1) • Make positive contact with community group members from diverse backgrounds, don’t let them see you only when something negative has happened, and allow the public to see you as much as possible in a nonenforcement role, (2) Take responsibility for patiently educating citizens and the public about the role of the officer and about standard operating procedures in law
Diversity in Law Enforcement Essay - Words | Bartleby
The criminal justice system is not perfect and there is definite room for improvement on how the system treats minorities, diversity in law enforcement essay. This helps out with public relations and will strengthen the trust in the police during dark times and times of need. Community policing can make better relations between the police and citizens of the area.
At worst, the public views them as authoritarian and paramilitaristic, quick to use force, and slow to admit mistakes. At best, citizens do not really know their local law enforcement officers. There is not proven way to eliminate racial profiling, however, educating, facts, and better training are ways to help eliminate some of the causes of racial profiling. These tool help to keep the criminal justice system to performing their duties in a biased manner.
If the criminal justice system is not operated bias, then, there is a better chance that the individual will not be accused or profiled based on race alone. This gives every community equality. This is a start to ending racial. Many communities are not taking the necessary steps to inform and instruct people about these violations, which is why I believe that this would make a great research topic for this class.
We can use this opportunity to inform ourselves of what a hate crime entitles and what we can do to stop them. We must all work together to make stop hate crimes, because the lack of knowledge and action against these crimes is leaving groups of people feeling isolated, vulnerable and worthless.
In the power-filled words that were proclaimed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. For modern police officers this an important principle, this is not always followed and not following this principle causes many unnecessary diversity in law enforcement essay and conflicts, diversity in law enforcement essay.
This principle should be used by the general public as well, in case of an incident, to only use self-defense if absolutely necessary.
The seventh principle of peel is a really important for everyone to remember. This principal helps people understand that there is not much difference between the public and officers. The principal explains that the police are the public and the public are the police, the only difference is that police are payed and make it their full-time duty for modern police officers and public this is important for people to remember because of big divide between the.
Sandy Banks is bothered by the injustice of diversity in law enforcement essay officers towards possible innocent victims. Because it seems like if officers rely on shooting at people as their safest option, Banks demands better training to help solve this issue, diversity in law enforcement essay.
Police officers being caught on camera doesn 't changes the fact that the victim will become wounded, or pass away, yet, in most cases officers are not held accountable for the insensible act.
In her article, "Horrific videos aren 't solving police shootings, but better training might" Banks asks for better training for police officers, as she developed strong pathos with details, great logos with logical solutions and consequences, but a weak ethos by not mentioning her credentials and the other side of the story.
One example of institutionalized racism that was demonstrated in 13th is the mass incarcerations of minorities. I think it is a problem not only because there is a disproportionate amount of minorities but also because people do not realize this is happening.
It is institutionalized racism because after being in prison these minorities cannot vote or get a job and therefore puts them at a disadvantage. I think getting people to realize this problem is the first step to address it diversity in law enforcement essay I am not sure what should happen next. I think many Americans think that there is a problem with the black person whom was killed by the police, rather than the officer who actually murdered the person.
Many people, diversity in law enforcement essay, like myself, believe that police officers do not always get in trouble when situations like police racism or brutality happen. They do not think about getting in trouble because most of them literally don 't at all. When cops get caught for illegal actions they are just going to get in trouble by there own friends on the force, just to be put on paid leave.
Not being caught is a big issue and is mainly why cops think that they can do whatever they want and completely get away with it. General issues of police forces. In addition, in the absence of a favorable image we cannot talk about a consented police act Goldsmith, This is s really bad and it shows how messed up society can be when it comes to both race and gender. Our community is diverse, there are over ethnic groups to be classified in and the fact that you just want to associate yourself with one will socially isolate you from the rest of the world.
Have feelers out in the community and use community members on hiring interview boards. Recruit and select officers who identify and bond with the agency culture organizational fitwho are compatible with and capable of achieving organizational goals, and who understand community demographics. If officers bond with the agency and the community, they are more likely to be effective and maintain, diversity in law enforcement essay. I feel that a lot of people are pretty hesitant when it comes to relying on private policing as many people find it more conventional just to call the police and their insurance company should something go wrong.
Why would they want to hire someone who may not carry any loyalty to the company when they can instead just have someone monitor some cameras or to just install some alarms diversity in law enforcement essay barricades. This is the kind of question I feel that PSGs have to overcome if they want to establish their. The job of the police officers is to protect all citizens from any threat and help us to be safe on the streets.
Stop and frisk diversity in law enforcement essay a practice that the New York City Police Department uses as a way to fight crime, however, stop and frisk is unjust and has resulted in racial discrimination by officers, as well as an abuse of power. Over the years many civilians have been stopped and frisked by the police, this irritates some people as they feel they are stopped purposely or for no reason. So can police frisking in some cases go too far?
Police are not able to put you down on the streets without reason, to stop someone on the streets the police have to see something suspicious about a crime that has been or is going to be committed.
It causes one to question what the next move is for these juveniles. When put into this situation, many juveniles turn to the men and women who they know will give them the security they need: gangs. While many would argue that this is not the first avenue for security they would take, it is noted that these youths grow up in communities where the subcultures are vastly different than that of other communities.
For example, the police may not be seen as protectors of the neighborhood, rather an arm of the government that wishes to oppress. Many would agree that the social disorganization theory gives a better understanding as to why juveniles transition into gangs. If that part of town has more crime but just happened to have more minority figures in it should it be considered racial profiling?
IPL Diversity In Law Enforcement Essay. Diversity In Law Enforcement Essay Words 4 Pages. According to the U, diversity in law enforcement essay. Bureau of Justice Statistics, departments that serve less than 2, people are Notably, Over the years, a lack of diversity within law enforcement has become a pertinent issue.
Notably, diversity in law enforcement essay, the underrepresentation of minorities within law enforcement influences the relationship between communities and law enforcement by diversity in law enforcement essay distrust with law enforcement. To say nothing of, underrepresentation of minorities have had many people question whether departments mirror a diverse community, diversity in law enforcement essay.
Nevertheless, with that being said, underrepresentation of minorities have generated tension and distrust between communities and law enforcement and many believe that police department need to mirror the race composition within their cities.
Although some people may challenge that diversifying police officers will not make a difference in the relationship with communities, police departments mirroring the diversity of communities may mend tension. Notably, the lack of minorities in law enforcement derives from distrust between minorities in communities and law enforcement.
In detail, with more policing predicaments emerging, such as police brutality over the recent years, minorities have been more hesitant to join police force due to their …show more content… Additionally, diversity in law enforcement essay, the lack of minorities in law enforcement come from trust issues between police officers and their community.
Although, some people may believe that creating a more diverse workforce within the law enforcement world have little effect between police and their community, having a police department reflect the community is a stepping stone in mending tension. All in all, lack of representation has many solutions that police departments can incorporate that can provide the youth of America a role model be inspired.
Show More, diversity in law enforcement essay. Read More. The Pros And Cons Of Community Policing Words 3 Pages This helps out with public relations and will strengthen the trust in the police during dark times and times of diversity in law enforcement essay. Racial Profiling Thesis Words 5 Pages There is not proven way to eliminate racial profiling, however, educating, facts, and better training are ways to help eliminate some of the causes of racial profiling, diversity in law enforcement essay.
Sir Robert Peel Principles In Law Enforcement Words 5 Pages For modern police officers this an important principle, this is not always followed and not diversity in law enforcement essay this principle causes many unnecessary tragedies and conflicts.
Rhetorical Analysis Of Solving Police Shootings By Sandy Banks Words 3 Pages Sandy Banks is bothered by the injustice of police officers towards possible innocent victims. Examples Of Institutionalized Racism 90 Words 1 Pages One example of institutionalized racism that was demonstrated in 13th is the mass incarcerations of minorities. Persuasive Essay On Police Racism Words 4 Pages I think many Americans think that there is a problem with the black person whom was killed by the police, rather than the officer who actually murdered the person.
Police Image Words 3 Pages General issues of police forces. Private Policing Analysis 92 Words 1 Pages I feel that a lot of people are pretty hesitant when it comes to relying on private policing as many people find it more conventional just to call the police and their insurance company should something go wrong.
Stop And Frisk: The New York City Police Department Words 1 Pages The job of the police officers is to protect all citizens from any threat diversity in law enforcement essay help us to be safe on the streets, diversity in law enforcement essay. Transition Into Gang Culture Words 5 Pages It causes one to question what the next move is for these juveniles. Racial Profiling: Article Analysis Words 2 Pages If that part diversity in law enforcement essay town has more crime but just happened to have more minority figures in it should it be considered racial profiling?
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, time: 3:47Diversity In Law Enforcement Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

Aspects and Impacts of Generational Diversity This paper examines several aspects of generational diversity and its impact on law enforcement organizations. As the law enforcement profession prepares to move into the future it must also make ready for a Diversity In Law Enforcement Essay. Words4 Pages. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, departments that serve less than 2, people are % white and departments that serve millions are % white (as cited in Fifield, ). Notably, Over the years, a lack of diversity within law enforcement has become a pertinent issue May 17, · Shusta and Levine () offered some methods that can improve law enforcement in multicultural communities: (1) • Make positive contact with community group members from diverse backgrounds, don’t let them see you only when something negative has happened, and allow the public to see you as much as possible in a nonenforcement role, (2) Take responsibility for patiently educating citizens and the public about the role of the officer and about standard operating procedures in law
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