Two-Bit’s switchblade is his most prized possession and, in several ways, represents the disregard for authority for which greasers traditionally pride themselves. First of all, the blade is stolen. Second, it represents a sense of the individual power that comes with the potential to commit violence Actually, technical writing will be used by most college graduates as a regular part of their work. It is much more likely that you will use technical writing than either academic or creative writing unless you specifically enter those fields. A writer's most prized possession is his or her own unique writing style. Our purpose in writing a Jan 13, · Youth is surely the most prized possession of the nation and the sooner we realize and utilize their full potential and power the faster our nation will progress and develop. Long Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building – Essay 5 ( words)
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First of all, the blade is stolen. Second, it represents a sense of the individual power that comes with the potential to commit violence. This symbolism surfaces most clearly when Dally borrows the blade from Two-Bit and uses it to break out of the hospital to join his gang at the rumble.
The loss of the weapon, at this point, becomes inextricably linked with the loss of Dally—a figure who embodies individual power and authority. The greasers, who move mostly on foot, are physically vulnerable in comparison to the Socs. Still, greasers like Darry, Sodapop, and Steve do have contact with automobiles—they repair them. We can interpret this interaction with cars positively or negatively. On one hand, it symbolizes how the greasers have a more direct and well-rounded experience than the Socs with the gritty realities of life.
Most prized possession essay the other hand, the fact that the greasers must service and most prized possession essay for Soc possessions demonstrates that the Socs have the power to oppress the greasers. Throughout literature, rings and jewelry have been traditional symbols of wealth.
The rings in this story represent the physical power that accompanies wealth. By using his rings as combative weapons, Bob takes advantage of his economic superiority over Ponyboy and the other greasers, using his wealth to injure his opponents. The greasers cannot afford rings, cars, or other physical trappings of power that the Socs enjoy. Consequently, they must resort to more affordable markers of identity.
By wearing their hair in a specific style, greasers distinguish themselves from other social groups. Conservative cultural values of the s called for men to keep their hair short, and the greaser style is a clear transgression of this social convention. It is not only distinctive, most prized possession essay, but, as a physical characteristic, this hair is truly an organic part of the greaser persona.
When the Socs jump Ponyboy at the beginning of the novel, they ask him if he wants a haircut and threaten to cut off his hair. By doing so, they would rob him of his identity. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Outsiders! Search all of SparkNotes Search Suggestions Most prized possession essay up and down arrows to review and enter to select.
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How does Dally die? Why is Sodapop upset about Sandy? Why do Cherry and Ponyboy talk about sunsets? Important Quotes Explained By Theme Social Class Loyalty Violence. Suggestions for Further Reading Related Links Movie Adaptations S. Hinton and The Outsiders Background. Literary Devices Symbols. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, and colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.
Previous section Motifs Next section Protagonist. Take a study break Every Shakespeare Play Summed Up in a Quote from The Office. Take a study break Every Book on Your English Syllabus, Summed Up in Marvel Quotes. The Outsiders PRINT EDITION Ace your assignments with our guide to The Outsiders! Popular pages: The Outsiders. Take a Study Break, most prized possession essay.
The most prized possession of my family
, time: 1:58Philosophy of Education (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Jun 02, · 1. Problems in Delineating the Field. The inward/outward looking nature of the field of philosophy of education alluded to above makes the task of delineating the field, of giving an over-all picture of the intellectual landscape, somewhat complicated (for a detailed account of this topography, see Phillips , ) Jan 13, · Youth is surely the most prized possession of the nation and the sooner we realize and utilize their full potential and power the faster our nation will progress and develop. Long Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building – Essay 5 ( words) prize definition: 1. something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a. Learn more
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